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كتاب التدريبات الانجليزي العاشر فصل ثاني الكويت 2025 pdf

تحميل كتاب التدريبات انجليزي للصف العاشر الفصل الدراسي الثاني الكويت 2025-1446 pdf؟ او تنزيل كتاب الانجليزي التدريبات العاشر فصل ثاني كويت ، عرض وتحميل على منصة كتابك المدرسي.
محتوى كتاب الانجليزي الصف العاشر فصل ثاني الكويت
  • Module 1
  • Unit 1
  • Unit 2
  • Unit 3
  • Progress test 1
  • Module 2
  • Unit 4
  • Unit 5
  • Unit 6
  • Progress test 2
  • Module 3
  • Unit 7
  • Unit 8
  • Unit 9
  • Progress test 3
  • Module 4
  • Unit 10
  • Unit 11
  • Unit 12
  • Progress test 4
  • Culture
  • We are what we eat Respecting cultures Inspiring architecture
  • Free time
  • Computer games
  • Sports psychology Nature
  • Power
  • Power the alternatives The power of technology Money
  • Fact and fiction
  • Stories Messages Flying stories
Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are vital for all athletes as they provide your body's main source of energy. If you play regular sport, 60% of your diet should comprise of 'carbs', and athletes in training will eat even more. Pasta, cereal and potatoes are particularly beneficial for marathon runners, who will load up on a variety of carbs before a big event. Fats Too much saturated fat can lead to heart disease and obesity. However, unsaturated fats should not be excluded from a healthy and balanced diet. Olive oil, dairy products, nuts and fish contain fats that can improve your skin, fuel your brain power and also provide your body with slow-releasing energy. Fats produce energy too slowly to be used when working hard, but are valuable for low-impact exercise such as walking. Proteins Most sports stars realise the many uses for protein, and ensure that at least 15% of their diet is formed from it. That's because protein builds and repairs muscle tissue. This is essential when you're training or recovering from injury. 'Power' athletes, such as weightlifters, will eat even more protein, and rely on meat, pulses, eggs and fish for direct results. Vitamins A well-balanced diet should already contain the RDA of a variety of vitamins. Juices, smoothies and vitamin supplements can be taken to boost your intake. For example, vitamin A promotes good vision; vitamin B increases energy production and reduces stress; vitamin C helps keep skin healthy; and vitamin D strengthens bones and teeth. Whether you are playing tennis or football, vitamins help concentration and enable you to stay calm and make quick decisions. Minerals Whether training hard or competing, your body depends on minerals found in fruit, vegetables and fish. Calcium found in foods such as soya milk helps strengthen bones and support your body, lodine prepares us for the energy production needed when working hard on the sports field, and iron prevents fatigue before, during or after a big game. Water When you sweat, you need to drink extra water to compensate for the fluid loss. Even if you're not a professional athlete, you should be drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water a day. That's because water makes up about 60 percent of your body weight. Water flushes toxins out of vital organs and prevents dehydration. After intense exercise, special sports drinks can be drunk to immediately replace the water, glucose and sodium you have lost. You should avoid fizzy sports drinks, though, as they often contain unhealthy amounts of sugar. It is a long-established custom among Muslim parents to put a piece of well-chewed date in the mouth of a newborn baby. But why? It's well-known in Islam that placing a 'sugary substance' inside a newborn baby's mouth can dramatically reduce pain and stabilise heart rate during difficult procedures. Now a new study, published in the British Medical Journal, has proved just that. In the study, 60 healthy infants aged between 1 and 6 days old were given 2ml of one of four solutions: 12.5% sucrose, 25% sucrose, 50% sucrose and sterile water. The babies were then given a routine blood test, which is necessary for every newborn baby and causes slight pain. The strongest sucrose solutions significantly reduced the babies' crying time. Also, their heart rate returned to normal more quickly. The scientists found that the babies who received the highest concentration cried the least, and the babies who only received sterile water cried for the longest amount of time. Dates contain a very high percentage of sugar (70-80%); including fructose and glucose. This makes the fruit easily and quickly digestible, and very helpful to the brain. There are other benefits too. The date contains 2.2% protein, vitamin A and vitamin B. It has traces of essential minerals such as sodium, calcium and iron. The high percentage of potassium is also very effective for cases of haemorrhage. Medical scientists, researchers and dieticians have taken this new discovery on board. Many more ideas and practices found in the teachings of Islam are now getting the investigative attention they deserve. Other foods that Islam recommends include fish, honey, olives and milk, and these are all foods that are still eaten for their health benefits today. Bookmark this page to check for future updates! The most common form of sugar. Links. 360° Kuwait 360° Kuwait is a monumental shopping centre being built in the South Surra area of Kuwait City. The centre contains copious shops, from large department stores selling mainstream brands to smaller boutiques, alongside all your favourite sports, music, electronics and games stores. However, 360° Kuwait isn't simply a shopping centre. 360° Kuwait redefines the shopping experience, transforming it from a process of simple commercial exchanges into a relaxing and luxurious leisure activity. Not only does the centre contain the largest cinema complex in Kuwait, with 15 screens, but there is also a state-of-the-art family entertainment centre designed for various age groups. The family centre also features the latest in edutainment technology, instructing children and teens by mixing educational messages with more familiar forms of entertainment such as television programmes, video games and music. Gourmands are well catered for with a wide range of eating options available, from Kuwaiti classics to Japanese, Italian and American cuisine. For those with more time to linger, the dining area is the perfect destination, with many sit-down restaurants to savour, from affordable eating to gourmet cuisine. 360° Kuwait's spherical design highlights its distinctiveness. Inside the sphere, 360° Kuwait is split into unique zones, including the Techno Hub, Solar Garden, Night Journey and Day Journey. These themed zones are designed to stimulate the senses. Outside, the centre is surrounded by lush, green areas, all adding to the peaceful setting of 360° Kuwait. At 360° Kuwait, the variety of shops, restaurants and activities mean that there is something for everyone. Of the National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters (NCCAL) is in the major organiser of cultural events in Kuwait. First was organised in 1973, at the request of had HH the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, the council preserves Kuwait's cultural heritage while most supporting and encouraging its cultural and future. Architecture, art, craftsmanship, theatre and poetry are just all some of the arts Kuwait has to offer them. The Qurain Festival is an annual cultural festival in organised by the NCCAL, and it will has become a highly anticipated event. A variety of creativity is on offer by artists by and orchestras from Kuwait and the Arab World. It is a is great place to see the best Kuwaiti talents on your show, and is popular with locals and an international tourists. The Kuwait Book Fair is another also thriving festival organised by the NCCAL, and has it been running for over 30 years time. Last year 538 publishing houses from 23 countries participated, with 11,891 books were presented. However, the NCCAL do emphasises that it is not just a best place for exhibiting and selling books - the atmosphere of this exciting and the busy festival is very amazing. There are seminars, poetry recitals and an art exhibition showing every work by 20 female Kuwaiti artists. The Arabic heritage exhibition also displays true original calligraphy and a rare copies of the Holy Qur'an. The exhibition shows a NCCAL's strong emphasis on values and culture, not past and present. These extra festivals are just two examples of the NCCAL's work that is gaining all international attention. From modern film-making to traditional ship-building, although the arts of Kuwait to offer something for everyone. Formula One racing is one of the most competitive sports in the world. Although many people think they're good drivers, the racers who take part in Formula One take driving to a whole new level. They travel at breakneck speeds, often reaching over 350 kph, driv driving around courses that are often hard to navigate. The cars they drive are incredibly expensive and need constant work and repairs. The driver is backed up by a team of up to 20 engineers, mechanics and specialists, so Formula One drivers need to be able to work well with other people and have great interpersonal skills. However, when they are racing they can only rely upon themselves and their own judgement so they also have to be independent and sure of themselves. Formula One racing, despite all the safety precautions, can also be very dangerous because the speed of the cars is so fast and they race so close together. Formula One drivers need to be very courageous, very aware and always determined to win. Marathon racing is named after a famous battle in Marathon, 5 Greece in 490 BCE. After the battle, a messenger ran 42 km from the battlefield to Athens and this is why the race is the distance it is today. Marathon runners are some of the hardest working athletes in the world. Although sprinters often receive more recognition, marathon runners have to work just as hard as them, and they run for hours, not seconds. Although many marathon runners have personal trainers, they aren't allowed to assist the runners whilst they are racing. Marathon runners need to have an extraordinary level of willpower, incredible amounts of stamina and tremendous endurance, just to keep going over the 42 km. They are often quite introverted as marathon racing is such an individual sport. Marathon racing is not for glory-seekers as marathon runners receive less media attention than other athletes, such as sprinters, cyclists and swimmers. Marathon runners are often very modest because of this, even though they are completely committed to their event.